Eventhough I should have started with my primary school,Telok kurau primary school,i didnt really get to remember any interesting moments and pictures from it which is the reason why i am starting with my secondary school which is Bedok North secondary school.In bedok North secondaary school,I was not the brightest of person but was able to get back the positve vibe due to friends and teachers. L1B4:16
After my seconadary school years, I didnt do well for my studies and went to ITE.My firt impression of ITE was quitee negative since people have been spreading rumors that secret society(gangsters), are common there that have interest to fighting.HOWEVER,it was the best 2 years of my life. Being in ITE is more about expressing your feelings and brings out the extrovert that you did not know you had it in you.
Since ITE have given such engaging learning experiences and made me drive to my goals,i end up with a GPA of 4.00 and was able to enroll in Infocomm Security Management in Singapore Polythecnic.When I first enter the school,I was told that it was manageable but some told me its going to be hard since i am coming from a nitec course in ITE.